7月10日 Jazz Night
【Jazz・Hip Hop・Rock】
Wednesday, July 10 1st 19:30 / 2nd 21:30
<The Lo-Fi> Ba :Vo 5 Key :Vo Nori Dr :Yosh Sax :Yu Akiyoshi
WATERLINE初登場! 都会的なサウンドでありながら、芸術的で 独特な世界観も持ち合わせるThe Lo-FiにAkiyoshi Yu(Sax)がゲスト参加。 この日限りの特別なライブを体験してください
Charge: ¥1,500
JAPANESE: http://www.tyharborbrewing.co.jp/jp/waterline/news/7月10日jazz-night/
ENGLISH: http://www.tyharborbrewing.co.jp/en/waterline/news/
This is The Lo-Fi’s first appearance at the WATERLINE.
An urban mix of Jazz x Hiphop and funk led by bass vocalist “5″, and drummer Yosh.
Keyboardist Nori’s influences range from latin, classical and jazz music.
This show will feature saxophone by Akiyoshi Yu also featured in their most current release “Fortitude”.